Minggu, 04 September 2011

hari lahir kawan aku...fadillah haiqal

nak ucapkan selamat ari lahir kt padil....semoge pajang umur murah rezeki...hahaha...selamat ari raye gak ..ok...klo aku wt salah....kosong -kosong lah ye.... 


Sabtu, 03 September 2011

Lirik Who Says – Selena Gomez

by ADMIN on MAY 10, 2011
I wouldn’t wanna be anybody else.
You made me insecure
Told me I wasn’t good enough
But who are you to judge
When you’re a diamond in the rough
I’m sure you got some things
You’d like to change about yourself
But when it comes to me
I wouldn’t want to be anybody else
Na na na
Na na na
I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me

Na na na
Na na na
You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful
Who says

Jumat, 02 September 2011

Selamat hari raye!!!!!.....maaf zahir batin…..

Pertama sekali nak ucapkan selamat hari raye aidilfitri maaf zahir…batin belum lagi….hahahaha….betul tak????....terutama untuk keluarga tercinta dan semua keluarga jauh mahupun dekat….selamat ari rye ye!!!!....

Tidak lupe juga kepada warga sma pelangai…indu kt semuanye…terutama dak fom 4…..yg nak pekse sma….jgn cuak erkk…be cooll….jgn nerveous…hahaha…

Selamat ari rye juge kepade rakan 2 facebook azim,…yg kenal mahupun tak kenal …..selamat hari rye…klo nak duit rye tu dtglah umahh……special…azim bagi…hahahha…….

Ok lah…penatlh anak menaip ni…..k….sambung nnti…bye….salam….